No elite athlete or award-winning artist achieves greatness without practice, influential mentors, and coaches along the way. We focus on operationalizing success through tangible coaching methods. When put into action, these methods can help leaders achieve their vision and continue to grow their organization.
The January Starting Line
No matter if you are on a fiscal year or a calendar year, January seems to always carry with it the weight of looking another 12 months in advance. This raises the age-old conversation within yourself and your organization of “This year I am going to do X” or, “This year X is going to be different”. For organization owners, especially those looking to continue to grow, it can feel like you completed one marathon and are immediately jumping into another one.
As we creep ever closer to the year ahead we recommend everyone take a moment to reflect on where they came from, where they are, and where they want to go. Sounds daunting, right? Well, we have a few pointers to help you break things down and solidify the vision. (Added Bonus: the same rules below can be applied to your personal life with a little tweaking!).

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Here at eGuide Tech Allies, we live by five core values that bond us to become the best version of ourselves. Since day one, we’ve always committed ourselves to provide the highest-quality service for our clients in need. We want to give them the best solutions to help them pursue their goals and achieve exciting feats.