Virtual Event Platforms: Swapcard

Offering a mobile ready, no-nonsense approach to virtual events at a price point that may make your key stakeholders happy, Swapcard is a Paris created virtual conference platform that began to ramp up just in time for the pandemic to disrupt an industry. 

Toting differentiation with it’s enhanced machine learning powered matchmaking capability (fancy way of saying, there’s an algorithm that tries to match boxes you check with boxes other attendees check) attendees may have a more customized virtual conference experience by using Swapcard. 

Funding features aside, we do think that Swapcard is well on their way to being acquired in the not so distant future which has both positive and negative attributes. 

How we would rate the platform: 

Ease Of Use  - 8/10 - Swapcard’s interface, while fairly basic, is easy to understand and navigate. Users on desktop or mobile can easily click through various components of the event to customize their attendee journey. While there’s no virtual renderings of conference spaces, all of the key conference components are present from agendas, networking lounges, exhibitor 1:1s, and keynote sessions and bios. 

Customization - 4/10 - Beyond imagery, a Swapcard conference is going to look like a noticeable variation of other Swapcard conferences. While on one hand, this could be a perk for attendees who may have used the platform for other events, but a con if you are looking to add a signature flair to your conference. 

Security - 8/10 - Based in Europe, Swapcard follows the most up to date GDPR compliance which helps to keep your data safe and control in the user’s hands. Since video  and registration information is processed via third party (Youtube Live or Vimeo for video and a long list of registration platforms) the bulk of security is left to those platforms. 

Integrations - 6/10 - The key integrations we’ve come to expect from virtual event platforms exist: Youtube Live & Vimeo. What we loved is finally there is a platform that syncs to many registration platforms. Unfortunately the integrations to export information seem underdeveloped, with no link to Salesforce or email marketing platforms. 

Price - 8/10 - Starting at $7 per attendee the fee structure for Swapcard seems very reasonable and something that can easily be “baked-in” to your overall registration price. Swapcard also offers a free networking app, which may be a great way to get your attendees familiar with the functionality for future events.  

Overall Rating - 8/10 - With plenty of useful functionality, including all the key components to make a great virtual conference, we would recommend Swapcard for any emerging conference or event. 

Who would use Swapcard? 

Originally Swapcard entered the market as a badge scanning platform intended to enhance networking capabilities at conferences. They have quickly grown into support full conferences. With some of the networking features more a bit more vetted than the conference modules, Swapcard would be a great fit for any networking heavy conference such as tradeshows, product rollouts, development conferences, tech conferences, or job fairs. 

User Experience

Swapcard has a clean, standard layout to all of their event templates which allows for minimal customization, but overall will keep your event looking professional and sleek. Swapcard allows you to add in a featured image and minimal branding aspects such as a background or featured color. All of the event information stays within one place and seminars or individual events are clearly outlined within the page to seamlessly allow users to plan out their schedule and sign up for seminars. 

One of the differences between Swapcard and the other virtual event platforms we have reviewed is Swapcard’s widget features. Once you have planned and developed your event within the Swapcard interface, you can then embed the event into your own website. Rather than sending attendees and users to a third party site, they can explore and register for the event, all without leaving your company’s website. 

Swapcard can also act as a networking device. Using AI the interface can connect you with other attendees who may be a beneficial partner to yourself and business and allows you to schedule follow up meetings with one another, acting as a pseudo-LinkedIn within the platform. 

Technical Assessment

I had the opportunity to experience Swapcard directly as an event attendee to Black Hat 2020 conference a few weeks ago, the web based platform offers a great experience, the site is rich in features with great loading times and an interface compatible with both mobile and desktop devices. 

The live analytics offer valuable insight to event organizers and sponsors without collecting unnecessary data from attendees. With Swapcard, you can broadcast streaming live or pre-recorded videos, integrated directly into your event, only one prerequisite: your video must be integrated in YouTube or Vimeo.

In terms of data security and privacy, these are some of the Swapcard highlights 

  • You can control the entirety of your data.

  • You can delete your account at any time. 

  • Swapcard does not sell or use your data for commercial purposes.

  • Swapcard follows the latest GDPR regulations.

Some of the available integrations with other platforms are Eventbrite, cvent, Fuzion by Freeman

Gregory Perrine

Avid troubleshooter and eternal student, Greg was inspired by his grandmother's experience with technology and launched eGuide Tech Allies. With over a decade in sales experience, Greg honed his business skills in the world of high-end off premise catering, learning the ins and outs of operating a small business. Greg brings his passion for helping others and enriching the lives of those around him to the core of this business.

Alicia Solis: Project Coordinator


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