Alicia Solis: Project Coordinator

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Alicia’s background is in serving others. Her bachelor’s degree in psychology highlighted the fact that for all of the bad in the world, there is still a lot of GOOD.  For over a decade, she has worked with seniors helping them keep their independence by showing them alternate ways to do things they would normally have difficulty doing.  In the past few years, she has worked in the pharmaceutical industry for a small chain of independent pharmacies.  The role of Pharmacy Resource Manager meant that she is the catchall for all departments and propelled her into a never-ending flight of learning something new almost daily.  

In today’s world of technology, Alicia decided to change tactics and put her current hobbies of cyber security into a career change.  Having the IT and security educational background that she does makes Alicia the perfect fit for eGuide providing support to our current group of clients. She is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Cyber Security and Info Assurance where she plans to work with nonprofits and small businesses looking to beef up their security measures. 

Alicia’s main passion is her strong-willed daughter.  Having her daughter has shown another side of herself that is even more ambitious.  Now she has a little human who looks to her for her every want and need but needs to be shown that success comes with compassion, dedication, and honesty.  With those 3 traits, she can run the world.

What is your secret talent?  

Many would think I’m lying, but I am actually a really good driver. It would be cool to be a stunt driver!

What has been your favorite moment as a parent

Every favorite moment usually gets topped by the next because being a parent is so different day to day. However, I will say my most memorable moment was the first time my daughter took her chubby little baby hands, grabbed the sides of my face and said “Love you, Momma”. To this day, she does this and it melts my heart each time.

What non-profit organization is close to you? 

Trio Animal Foundation. They came to my attention when they cared for Hazel Grace, a 7-week old puppy who was horribly burned by her tormentors.  Hazel Grace is now nearly 6 years old and thriving as a therapy dog for the foundation. That year my only Christmas presents were notifications that donations were made in my name.

What’s your cocktail of choice? 

I’m a beer girl at heart. Give me an ice cold Modela any day.

Gregory Perrine

Avid troubleshooter and eternal student, Greg was inspired by his grandmother's experience with technology and launched eGuide Tech Allies. With over a decade in sales experience, Greg honed his business skills in the world of high-end off premise catering, learning the ins and outs of operating a small business. Greg brings his passion for helping others and enriching the lives of those around him to the core of this business.

National Cyber Security Awareness Month 2020


Virtual Event Platforms: Swapcard