Juan Fernandez: Project Manager - Systems

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Juan Fernandez got his start in technology at the age of 6 when his dad bought him a computer instead of a bike (Juan still doesn’t know how to ride a bike). That first Windows 95 computer ignited Juan’s passion for technology and electronics. “Never be afraid of doing something to a computer, there’s no self destruct button” this phrase from his dad marked Juan’s approach to learning about tech.

In 2012 Juan moved to the US, during this time Juan worked from department stores like Target, Nordstrom and JCPenney working his way up from unloading trucks to becoming an Area Manager gaining experience in areas like operations, asset protection and physical security.

In 2019 and after completing his training and education in Network Engineering, Juan decided that it was time to turn his passion for technology into his future career.  Juan found eGuide and joined the team in October of 2019. 

Currently Juan combines his eguide work with his studies in cybersecurity and cloud.


Q: Best eGuide memory so far?

A: The eGuide retreat was filled with good conversations and laughters, the most special moment was when I won the meme card game and became the “Meme Queen.” 

Q:What have you been doing during the pandemic? 

A: You could say I’ve been doing the same as usual...breaking things or breaking into things? Enjoying time with my wife and our 3 cats (cats are awesome!). Most of my pandemic time has gone into learning how to break into computers, networks and digital forensics along with brushing off my soldering skills while playing with Arduino and Raspberry Pi devices and attended my first DEFCON (virtually).

Q: Favorite Star Wars Character?

A: I’m a huge fan of Star Wars, The Mandalorian and of course “Bebe Yoda”. Han Solo reminds me of myself in a lot of ways and the best way to explain it’s this phrase George Lucas used to describe Han Solo  "a cynical loner who realizes the importance of being part of a group and helping for the common good".

Q: Favorite piece of technology I own?

A: I had to add this questions because after all I’m the Systems Project Manager or resident Geek at eGuide (Greg and Lauren have to listen to a lot of tech rants...maybe too many) but going back to the question I own a Dell XPS 13’ (2016) and that little guy is my favorite because it’s light, battery last like 10 hours, the screen is beautiful and it also serves as my testing device for whatever crazy thing I’m trying to do or a new Linux distribution.

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Gregory Perrine

Avid troubleshooter and eternal student, Greg was inspired by his grandmother's experience with technology and launched eGuide Tech Allies. With over a decade in sales experience, Greg honed his business skills in the world of high-end off premise catering, learning the ins and outs of operating a small business. Greg brings his passion for helping others and enriching the lives of those around him to the core of this business. 


Virtual Event Platforms: Intrado Studio & INXPO


Virtual Event Platforms: vFairs