Gregory Perrine: Chief Executive Officer
Q: What’s been the hardest thing you’ve had to overcome since starting eGuide?
A: Honestly, solidifying the team. I have a heighten respect for recruiters and HR professionals. Employee retention, especially as a small business owner is hard. We have a vetted, four-step, interview process at eGuide and still have a struggle finding the right fit at times. I am so grateful to have both Juan and Lauren on the team who can help in the vetting process. Ultimately we are driven by our core values, and knowing and practicing those on a daily basis makes it easy enough to identify when someone is not aligned, but unfortunately sometimes that isn’t realized until a few weeks or even months into their employment. Since we are so small everyone has to also has to help each other out and where you could potentially blend into the background of a larger company, everyone’s weight is felt for us. We continue to tweak how we approach hiring and on-boarding employees and hopefully it will get easier as time goes on. That said, having a team that gels and that I can trust as much as my own family is what is most important.
Q: What are you excited about this year? A: Growing our family! We just returned from Austin, Texas with our newborn daughter, Ariette, and our son, Campbell. We could not be more excited to officially say our family is complete! Even though this is the end of the adoption journey, it’s just the beginning of the rest of our lives, and we cannot wait to see where this journey will take us!
Q: Best eGuide memory so far? A: Three words: Guacamole and Mojitos. Being a virtual team it’s rare for us all to get together in person and connect. During the 2022 eGuide reTreat a team-building exercise that consisted of customizing guacamole and mojitos turned into infomercials that really let the eGuide personalities shine!